*SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: SMOKING ISN'T AS COOL AS IT USED TO BE. And it isn't good for babies and stuff.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut this article was cool.(to me). *WARNING: BIG MANLY MACHO QUOTE AHEAD:
"He can't be a man because he doesn't smoke [syncopated pause] the same cigarette as me."
Yep. It's official, if you don't smoke, eat, wear, or listen to the same stuff to the people who think they are the gold standard of manliness/womanliness/fashionableness/or intelligentness, truth is—you may become shunned for not buying the latest urban outfitter-apple-21-air jordan-new yorker times-pro-anything mac capitalist and liberal-pack of marlboro unfiltered mint slim lights...GASP! You didn't know? Or did you? And you yourself are a shunner of all not things not according to your standards!
I leave you with the remainder of the article & pictures of little smoking children.
"When your product becomes the badge for a tribe, you sell a lot of products. The Stones don't mean "a man" in the sense of a homo sapien. They mean "a man" in sense of "someone worthy of my respect." Not in my tribe, not worth it...
Brooks Brothers was the badge for a generation of grey-suited men. Che t-shirts are the badge for a cadre of activists. The Allen & Co. retreat is the badge for a tiny cabal of media titans.
It's not easy to become the badge, but it's a worthy destination.
Key truth: you can't be the badge for everyone. In order for the tribe to exist, it must have insiders. And you can't have insiders without outsiders."
Products have power. Our work at large has power. "Things" have the capability to influence, inspire, and provoke. But these "things" that we use to separate and somewhat dignify ourselves are not true indicators of anything but sentiment. Followings are catalysts for diversion. You point and gawk now, you scurry and conform later.
*WARNING: This is brain juice people, drink up.
the place where I read this neato story.
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