Monday, November 3, 2008

going green means good things

So if you're a big time capitalist profit manic and refusing to become an environmental liberal, have no fear!!! Your worries about crossing over to what you're probably calling the "dark green side" can be wiped away thanks to the good ol' Clorox clan. Because of the recession, Clorox (the bleach maker), has found a way to make profits by going green!!! Isn't that fantastic!? Their new Green Works & Burt's Bees lines are flyin off the shelves as we speak. Their products are free of petrochemicals and contain plant and mineral-based ingredients that are biodegradable...well at least the cleaning products do, not really sure about the Burt's Bees—I think those are just natural, but great non-the less!

So if you haven't seen the light yet I's sure you're been blinded by my profit maintaining-if-not-increasing green ways.
Green is the new black people!

*ahem, the article my good patron, read it and you will see the truth, again.
Clorox Profits Rise, Helped by Burt's Bees and Green Works Brand.

*ps, did anyone else know that Clorox made Burt's Bees? Small world.

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