Friday, October 17, 2008

The Price of Your Dream

The world according to Godin tells us to be careful about turing our talents and passions into bankable bucks. Sure it seems cool to make money off your lyrical skills, but you might just end up selling out and thrown into commercial land. He says making money off yourself calls for you to corrupt the beauty of it. Not cool in my book. Godin says maybe instead of doing what you love, find something you can love to do. He tells a story of a friend who had a passion for music and found a job doing pr for a record label. He ended up HATING IT! He got stuck in the crazed and frantic world of pr without coming remotly close to actually working with music. He was SOL as someone may say.

PROCEED WITH CAUTION MY PASSIONATE PEERS! The love of you life may leave you in tears.


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