Sunday, September 7, 2008

"A Case of Bad Judgement"

OoH OOh OOh! A little bit of drama in the design world??? Amongst a competition inspired by diversity is the issue of a lack there of. Cultural progression crippled by stagnation. What a conundrum. Our writer explains of a mighty board of judgement, all of whose seats are filled by white men, that is supposed to have an accurate and overseeing eye over a competition that is about global citizenship. I think I must agree with Mr. Drenttel and say "I dooonnnnttt really think so".

It's time for change & expansion, which fortunately the judges agree with. If so, hurry up and hand over that seat!
OH, by the way, this "flag design competition being hosted by Adbusters, on the topic of global citizenship" seems really cool. Check it out & salute!


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